Thursday, March 18, 2010

IPCprogram Testimonial

     Read what one of our members has to say about the IPCprogram.

size=2]How To Be Successful in the IPC Program is the question everyone wants to know.

I have been in this program since June 2008. I see a lot of people seem to think that when they join IPC it will sell itself. This is simply not the case. Not to get too much into detail here, but there are a ton of different ways to make money in the IPC Program. It is not a scam. I made $1200 in my first week and no I was not a professional marketer. I simply took what I did seriously. I am not one to complain about not getting results. Instead, I am able to see what I am doing wrong and apply myself to make the adjustments.

There are a ton of places to advertise both the IPC Program, and the products that you get the re-sale rights for. People who complain about their earnings in the IPC Program simply are not learning the correct way to ADVERTISE.

Sorry, but people need to know that in any business advertising is the key to success. Does anyone disagree with that? Okay.... so the thing is, you need to learn from someone who already HAS the experience what works.

There are people (like myself) who I personally have spoke to who are, or have made thousnds of dollars in the IPC Program. How can someone earn $6,500.00 in a month while another member made $0.00 in a month's time? Clearly one of the two people has more knowledge, and maybe more dedication to themselves to be successful. The bottom line is if you get enough traffic to your website, you will make money. This is what people do NOT know how to do even though it clearly says it right there in the training area of IPC. When you need to start making a few sales, you need to WORK for them. As you do so, you re-invest profits into more traffic (people) to your IPC Program website. IPC Program is not a "get rich quick" is a work and dedicate yourself and reap the rewards type of program. How many programs are out here that have phone support by telephone? If you have a true mentor, and you are a serious minded person, IPC Program is a very low investment. You can change your life from joining this program and applying yourself. I did. So that means you can too. However, I do recommend you find someone who can answer your questions about IPC Program first. If anyone has any questions send me a (link removed by mod) or give me a call and I will be happy to "fill you in" some more on my success secrets.

Kendall Johnson


You can find out more at

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Is The IPC Program?

Common Questions

What is the IPC Program?

The IPC Program allows you to start your own online independent business where you get paid immediately. When you purchase the IPC Software Package through The IPC Program you also receive the resale rights to the IPC Software Package. Now you have the choice to market this software individually or you can start your own IPC Website in which you resell the IPC Software Package for a price of $200.00 and you retain 100% of the profits.


What is included with the IPC Software Package?

The IPC Software Package has thousands of dollars worth of several software programs that also include the resale rights. You can view the actual software included with the IPC Software Package right on one of our authorized resellers websites.


I'm from another country, can I still join the IPC Program?

Absolutely. The IPC Program is worldwide and allows anyone the chance to start their own business online using AlertPay, SafePay, LinkPoint or eGold for accepting payments.


Are there any hidden fees with the IPC Program?

Absolutely not. All fees involved with the program are published right on our resellers websites.


How and when do I get paid with the program?

When you are involved with The IPC Program you receive your payments immediately. All sales are deposited directly into your AlertPay, SafePay, Linkpoint or eGold account.

To learn more about IPC Go To...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

IPC: Your Best Way To Financial Freedom

Programs on the Internet come and go like mirages on a desert; all promising riches

That disappear like a drop of water in the hot desert sun. However, occasionally one

Comes along that truly proves an Oasis and truly gives one a chance to quench the

Thirst for financial freedom and independence. The IPC is such a program.

IPC has been going strong for 6 years and shows no sign of letting up. In fact, it is only

Getting better. The program originally produced about $3,000 to $5,000 a month for its

Members; but with the introduction of it’s unique compensation plan, there’s literally no

Limit to the amount of money one can make.

Here’s how the 3 up compensation plan works. As a new member, you pass up your 2nd,4th and 6th sales, respectively to your sponsor. In turn, those three sales will pass up

Their 2nd, 4th and 6th sales to you who in turn must also pass up their 3 sales to you also.

This creates a chain of sales going to you in waves of 3 to infinity. Your money grows

Exponentially by a factor of 3 forever. Since each sale is $200,  your personal wealth will

Grow steadily and rapidly, all on autopilot.

The compensation plan is so powerful and lucrative that many people stop promoting it after only 8 sales and just sit back and watch money roll in. So you see, this is truly an
Oasis in the desert of mirages on the Internet and could truly lead to financial freedom.

To learn more about the IPC program go to