Sunday, March 7, 2010

IPC: Your Best Way To Financial Freedom

Programs on the Internet come and go like mirages on a desert; all promising riches

That disappear like a drop of water in the hot desert sun. However, occasionally one

Comes along that truly proves an Oasis and truly gives one a chance to quench the

Thirst for financial freedom and independence. The IPC is such a program.

IPC has been going strong for 6 years and shows no sign of letting up. In fact, it is only

Getting better. The program originally produced about $3,000 to $5,000 a month for its

Members; but with the introduction of it’s unique compensation plan, there’s literally no

Limit to the amount of money one can make.

Here’s how the 3 up compensation plan works. As a new member, you pass up your 2nd,4th and 6th sales, respectively to your sponsor. In turn, those three sales will pass up

Their 2nd, 4th and 6th sales to you who in turn must also pass up their 3 sales to you also.

This creates a chain of sales going to you in waves of 3 to infinity. Your money grows

Exponentially by a factor of 3 forever. Since each sale is $200,  your personal wealth will

Grow steadily and rapidly, all on autopilot.

The compensation plan is so powerful and lucrative that many people stop promoting it after only 8 sales and just sit back and watch money roll in. So you see, this is truly an
Oasis in the desert of mirages on the Internet and could truly lead to financial freedom.

To learn more about the IPC program go to

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